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Scripta - by HIP
Joshua Adams
May 14, 20237 min read
The Case Against AI Storytelling
Today we dive into the dark side of the futuristic technology that threatens to destroy thousands of years of human progress.
Joshua Adams
Apr 16, 20235 min read
Beyond The Surface: How Symbolism Shapes Modern Literature
The evolution of symbolism in literature and its role in shaping modern literature.
Joshua Adams
Apr 2, 20234 min read
“Self-publishing Is A Terrible Idea” And Why You Should Consider It Anyway
It's common to hear the sentiment among writers that self-publishing is a waste of time and a bad idea. But is it really? I think not.
Joshua Adams
Mar 26, 20239 min read
Author Advances And What They Really Mean
What are advances, and how HIP is revolutionizing the art of storytelling - one step at a time.
Joshua Adams
Dec 11, 20225 min read
What Makes An Author Successful?
What is it that makes an author successful, and is there a special formula for becoming a literary all-star?
Joshua Adams
Dec 4, 20227 min read
The Industrial Importance of Self Publishing
We hear the term “self-publishing” all the time. But what exactly does it mean, and what makes it vital to the industry?
Joshua Adams
Oct 23, 20228 min read
The Fix
A review of the publishing industry today, and how HIP plans to attack challenges that plague writers.
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